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保证 [links] Listen: Simplified: 保证, Pinyin: bǎo zhèng, Traditional: 保證, 保証 ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译中文英语 保证 guarantee   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

从词典的另一端匹配条目主要翻译英语中文 promise n (firm assurance)SCSimplified Chinese 承诺 chéng nuò   SCSimplified Chinese 保证 chéng nuò,bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証  As far as I'm concerned, Helen's promise is all the guarantee I need that she will do it.  照我看,只要海伦保证她会照做,对我来说就足够了。 guarantee, guaranty n (promise)SCSimplified Chinese 保证 bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証   SCSimplified Chinese 担保 bǎo zhèng,dān bǎo TCTraditional Chinese 擔保   SCSimplified Chinese 承诺 bǎo zhèng,chéng nuò  I hope Max is sure about his guarantee that the package will arrive by Saturday.  我希望马克斯能肯定自己的保证,包裹会在周六之前到达。 pledge n (promise)SCSimplified Chinese 誓言,誓约 shì yán,shì yuē   SCSimplified Chinese 诺言,承诺 nuò yán,chéng nuò   SCSimplified Chinese 保证 bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証  Dan stuck to his pledge to be more helpful to his parents.  丹坚守住了自己要多帮父母的诺言。 assurance n uncountable (promise)SCSimplified Chinese 保证 bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証  There is no assurance that our plan will succeed.  我们无法保证计划会成功。 give your word v expr (promise)SCSimplified Chinese 保证 bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証   SCSimplified Chinese 承诺 bǎo zhèng,chéng nuò  He'll be here! He gave his word! vouch for sb vi + prep (give support)SCSimplified Chinese 担保 dān bǎo TCTraditional Chinese 擔保   SCSimplified Chinese 保证 dān bǎo,bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証  Harry vouched for Dan by lending him some money when he had a lot of debts. give assurance that vtr + n (with clause: guarantee)SCSimplified Chinese 保证 bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証 answer for sth vtr phrasal insep informal (face consequences)SCSimplified Chinese 对…负责 duì … fù zé TCTraditional Chinese 對…負責   SCSimplified Chinese 担保 duì … fù zé ,dān bǎo TCTraditional Chinese 擔保   SCSimplified Chinese 保证 duì … fù zé ,bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証  He's committed a crime and he'll be forced to answer for it. undertaking n (agreement)SCSimplified Chinese 承诺 chéng nuò   SCSimplified Chinese 许诺 chéng nuò,xǔ nuò   SCSimplified Chinese 保证 chéng nuò,bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証  The builder gave his undertaking to have the project finished by the end of the month.  建筑人员承诺该项目会在月底前竣工。 give your word that v expr (promise)SCSimplified Chinese 保证 bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証   SCSimplified Chinese 承诺 bǎo zhèng,chéng nuò  Rachel had given her word that she would lend me the money. ensure sth, also US: insure sth vtr (secure, guarantee)SCSimplified Chinese 保证 bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証   SCSimplified Chinese 确保 bǎo zhèng,què bǎo  You should avoid drinking coffee in the evening to ensure a good night's sleep.  晚上最好不要喝咖啡,省的睡不着觉。 guarantee, guaranty n (assurance)SCSimplified Chinese 保证 bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証   SCSimplified Chinese 担保 bǎo zhèng,dān bǎo TCTraditional Chinese 擔保  There is no guarantee that the medication will be effective for everyone.  无法保证药物对每个人都有效。 swear vi (promise)SCSimplified Chinese 保证 bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証   SCSimplified Chinese 发誓 bǎo zhèng,fā shì  I'll never do that again; I swear!  我绝不会再那样做了,我保证! ensure sb sth, also US: insure sb sth vtr (guarantee sth for sb)SCSimplified Chinese 保证 bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証  Her cheerful manner ensured her a warm welcome at our house.  她乐观欢快,我们家随时欢迎她。 ensure, ensure that, also US: insure, insure that vtr (with clause: make sure)SCSimplified Chinese 保证 bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証   SCSimplified Chinese 确保 bǎo zhèng,què bǎo  George wanted to ensure that he got a good seat, so he bought his theater tickets a month early.  乔治提前一个月就买了戏票,保证订下好座位。 swear that vtr (with clause: promise)SCSimplified Chinese 保证 bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証   SCSimplified Chinese 发誓 bǎo zhèng,fā shì  When he woke up with a hangover, Glenn swore he'd never drink again.  格伦宿醉醒来,十分难受,发誓再也不喝酒了。 promise vi (make a promise)SCSimplified Chinese 承诺 chéng nuò   SCSimplified Chinese 保证 chéng nuò,bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証   SCSimplified Chinese 许诺 chéng nuò,xǔ nuò  I will mow the lawn - I promise.  我会修理草坪的,我保证。 guarantee sth, guaranty sth vtr (with object: promise)SCSimplified Chinese 保证 bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証   SCSimplified Chinese 承诺 bǎo zhèng,chéng nuò  The new law guarantees free school meals to all children under five.  新法律保证所有五岁以下儿童都享有免费校餐。 guarantee that, guaranty that vtr (with clause: promise)SCSimplified Chinese 保证 bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証   SCSimplified Chinese 确保 bǎo zhèng,què bǎo  Tina guaranteed that the store would still be open.  蒂娜保证那家店还会营业。 guarantee sth, guaranty sth vtr (product)SCSimplified Chinese 保证 bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証   SCSimplified Chinese 担保 bǎo zhèng,dān bǎo TCTraditional Chinese 擔保  The store guaranteed the phone for one year.  这家商店为这款手机保修一年。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 word of honor (pledge)SCSimplified Chinese 承诺 chéng nuò   SCSimplified Chinese 保证 chéng nuò,bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証 bond n (binding promise)SCSimplified Chinese 保证 bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証   SCSimplified Chinese 承诺 bǎo zhèng,chéng nuò  My word is my bond.  我说话算话。 secure sth vtr (make certain)SCSimplified Chinese 确保 què bǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 保证 què bǎo,bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証  The team has secured their place in the top league. warrant sth vtr (promise, warranty)SCSimplified Chinese 保证 bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証   SCSimplified Chinese 担保 bǎo zhèng,dān bǎo TCTraditional Chinese 擔保  The seller warranted the item would last at least ten years. warrant sth vtr dated (declare certainty)SCSimplified Chinese 保证 bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証   SCSimplified Chinese 打包票  It's Friday afternoon and I see Adam's left early again; I'll warrant he's in the pub.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 复合形式:英语中文 assure sb of sth vtr + prep (guarantee sth)SCSimplified Chinese 向...保证 xiàng ... bǎo zhèng   SCSimplified Chinese 使...确信  Marcus tried to assure Liz of the reliability of the car, but she didn't believe him.  马库斯试图向利兹保证汽车的可靠,但利兹不相信他。 give assurance of sth v expr (guarantee sth)SCSimplified Chinese 保证... give your assurance that, give sb your assurance that v expr (with clause: guarantee)SCSimplified Chinese 向...保证... guarantee sb that, guaranty sb that vtr (with clause: promise sb)SCSimplified Chinese 向...保证 xiàng ... bǎo zhèng   SCSimplified Chinese 向...确保  I guarantee you that I will have the contract ready by Friday.  我向你保证我会在周五前将合同准备好。 guarantee sb sth, guaranty sb sth vtr (with object: promise sb)SCSimplified Chinese 就...向...保证,就...向...确保  The deposit guarantees you a place on the course.  这笔押金可以确保您能就读该课程。 keep sth intact vtr phrasal sep (prevent from breaking)SCSimplified Chinese 保证…不受损伤  I tried to keep the cake intact until you arrived but I'm afraid my husband ate a piece while I wasn't looking. pledge, pledge that vtr (with clause: promise) (后接从句)SCSimplified Chinese 保证,许诺 bǎo zhèng,xǔ nuò TCTraditional Chinese 保證 / 保証  Wendy pledged that she would never leave him.  温蒂保证她绝不会离他而去。 pledge sb to sth vtr + prep (bind to a promise)SCSimplified Chinese 使…保证…  Amanda pledged everyone to secrecy.  阿曼达要求每个人都保密。 promise sth vtr (guarantee, commit to)SCSimplified Chinese 许诺…,承诺…,保证… chéng nuò  TV commercials promise a lot of incredible things.  电视广告向观众承诺了很多不可思议的事情。 warranty n (law: stipulation) (司法)SCSimplified Chinese 担保,保证 dān bǎo,bǎo zhèng TCTraditional Chinese 擔保,保證 / 保証  The contract included a warranty that certain conditions would be met.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: 保证(證)  bǎozhèng 动 guarantee 我保证(證)能按时(時)到达(達)。 Wǒ bǎozhèng néng ànshí dàodá. I guarantee I will be there on time. 你的支持是我取得成功的保证(證)。 Nǐ de zhīchí shì wǒ qǔdé chénggōng de bǎozhèng. Your support is my guarantee of success.

标题中含有单词 '保证' 的论坛讨论:

“墙到墙”展览保证 保证 / 保险 既 - 怎么样才能保证了采光 管饱/保管/包管/保证/担保 访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "保证" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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